Bill Alexander Demonstrates "Fall River"

Oil Painting Demonstration
Bill Alexander is the original "happy painter" and television celebrity.  In the following 3-part  video from his Magic of Oil Painting television show, Bill demonstrates the
painting of an autumn river scene using his wet-on-wet technique.

Part 1 of 3

Part 2 of 3

Part 3 of 3

William (Bill) Alexander was born in 1915 in East Prussia. As a youth he used his artistic talents to paint carriages and murals for local aristocrats. After the war, Bill and his family immigrated to North America to pursue their dream of building a home and to share Bill's gift of painting.

Bill and his wife, Margaret, traveled throughout the United States and Canada teaching painting and making friends, often selling paintings to meet living expenses along the way. During this time Bill worked hard to develop his wet-on-wet technique and products. He developed the base medium Magic White, extra-thick oil paints, and special palette knives and brushes. These products work together to help artists, even a beginning artist, create beautiful scenes on the canvas. 

By 1974, when he completed his first Emmy-winning Magic of Oil Painting television show, Bill's dream had become a reality. He had built himself a home in North America and a home in the hearts of thousands who discovered, with Bill's help, that they could have the almighty power to fire in and be happy painters too.


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